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Basic research to clinical practice and patient care, as well as translating scientific advances into new therapies and diagnostic tools, interdisciplinary works involving instrumentation, history of medicine, epidemiology etc.

  • Disasters and climatic phenomena today and in the past

    Ioannis Liritzis
    PDF: 161
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  • FAIR reporting of clinical trials for public health practice

    E. Andrew Balas, Bussi S. Bussi, Noha Asem, Caroline Amour, Charles Mwanziva, Jose Vasquez, Nargis A. Labib, Matthew Price, Michael J. Mahande, Rohitha Baskar, Saidharshana Dhantu, Tiffany G. Townsend, Clement Aubert
    PDF: 781
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  • Interoception in mental disorders: from self-awareness to interventions

    Han-xue Yang, Han-yu Zhou, Simon S.Y. Lui, Raymond C.K. Chan
    PDF: 844
    Supplementary: 615
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  • Music therapy: scientific perspectives and clinical prospects

    Wolfgang Mastnak
    PDF: 151
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  • Neurocinematic therapy - An interdisciplinary perspective

    Wolfgang Mastnak
    PDF: 821
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  • Perspectives to fight viruses. The example of Sars-CoV-2

    Costas Demetzos, Panagiotis Vlamos, Dimitrios Vlachakis
    PDF: 44
  • Venesection conducted by physicians, barber-surgeons, bell-ringers and indigenous healers in Finland over 500 years. A narrative literature review with a limited genealogical search

    Jarmo Kuronen
    PDF: 590
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