The dangerous construction of national, religious and moral identities in the Ukrainian War

Published: October 13, 2022
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  • Markus Vogt Chair of Christian Social Ethics, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine violates fundamental norms of international law and is at the same time an attack on the order of values of liberal democratic societies. The long prepared, ideologically based aggression was massive underestimated. In the foreground of the war are not rationally comprehensible interests, but identity-related conflicts of recognition with their very own grammar of uncompromisingness and power dynamics. For Russia, Ukraine and Europe, the scholarly reappraisal of the highly divergent identity constructions is of central importance. The theological critique of a nationalist-identitarian-political use of the Christian faith is an important peace service that the churches have to perform.



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How to Cite

Vogt, M. (2022). The dangerous construction of national, religious and moral identities in the Ukrainian War. Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1(1).