On a mathematical theory of sustainability assessment

Published: November 4, 2022
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We compile a number of postulates to be satisfied by a function that mathematically assesses sustainability of some type: national, urban, energy, etc. These postulates lay the mathematical foundations of a sustainability theory and lead to a simple model based on shifted geometric means combining basic sustainability indicators into an overall index. The model has a number of desirable properties and generalizes the weighted arithmetic and weighted geometric means, which are commonly used aggregation functions in sustainability assessments. Numerical results demonstrate the closeness of the model to other established techniques of sustainability.



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How to Cite

Phillis, Y. A., Kouikoglou, V. S., Grigoroudis, E., & Kanellos, F. D. (2022). On a mathematical theory of sustainability assessment. Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/peasa.13